Game Factory has had a strong impact not only in the schools where it has been made, where students, families and local institutions have recognized our work.
There has also been awarded and recognition at the national level.

The final product of the project is made up of the apps developed by the students. These apps can be downloaded from Play Store.
The students have enjoyed and developed their key competences. Teachers have enjoyed seeing how an ABP methodology works with a motivated student body. These are the most outstanding results, in our opinion, of the project.

In the teaching center, we must indicate that the National eTwinning Award obtained in the previous course (in both schools), meant that much more was spoken of eTwinning, and did not go unnoticed the work we have done with 'Game Factory'.
Also, the awardss obtained by Game Factory (IHRA, Barcelona Games World, Quality Labels ...) have been used for the diffusion in digital and written press.

TwinSpace has been used as a fundamental tool. For the students, a 'Tasks' page was the thread of the project.
You can acces to our open TwinSpace using this link:
We have documentation on this project in PROCOMUN, a website created by the Spanish Ministry of Education, where our project stands out as a good educational practice:
Also, we have created this website to explain the project.